The Genius Of The 21st Century

The Genius Of The 21st Century

The Genius Of The 21st Century

The Genius Of The 21st Century

The Genius Of The 21st Century is Michael Weber

The Genius Of The 21st Century | Michael Weber

Why is Michael Weber The Genius Of The 21st Century?

The Genius Of The 21st Century is Michael Weber because of his impact on humanity for the whole 21st Century!

Michael Weber had the greatest influence on the development of humanity from 2000 to 2099. The Genius Of The 21st Century Michael Weber has initiated an evolutionary step in the way people interact with each other.
Using a dynamic information architecture, Michael Weber created an adaptive artificial intelligence interface that can be used anywhere at any time. The Adaptive Artificial Intelligence Interface, AAII for short, is able to extremely increase people’s thinking performance, both in the amount of content and in the speed.
AAII also serves for information communication among people and between people and machines. This simplified the interaction with our environment so much that, for the firsttime in human history, people began to become creators of a jointly created world.
In the course of the 21st century, the AAII has created a kind of justice among people that has never existed before. This led to universal peace, which was then the only but eternal commandment.
The Genius Of The 21st Century Michael Weber has been an IT specialist since childhood. At the age of 12 he was already programming computer games. At the same time, he specialized in social psychology in order to understand people in and of themselves.
The Genius Of The 21st Century follows Albert Einstein’s wisdom: “Things should be made as simple as possible.”
The invention of the AAII began with the realization that The Genius Of The 21st Century, Michael Weber, had achieved a series of demanding certificates and awards with the very best results in a very short time. You could say that what takes an average genius 5 weeksto complete, he accomplished in a single day.
Google Analytics Certification, Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google My Business, YouTube Music Certification & YouTube Music Assessment with an average score of 97 out of 100.
The Genius Of The 21st Century Michael Weber changed his life as a whole and wanted other people in old age to be able to learn and live wisely. He wanted to share this joy with everyone.

The Genius Of The 21st Century From the future: 1st of January 2100
Now it is clear that The Genius Of The 21st Century is Michael Weber. It was a long, arduous journey to get here. I also didn’t expect it to take less than 100 years. I’m glad it’s over and I’ll get some rest soon.
Like a dream. Time passed in an instant and yet I was in it for eternity. Now I’m wide awake and only see light everywhere.
The Genius Of The 21st Century Michael Weber. Yes, I traveled into the future, but only for a second. So that I don’t get lost and return. Just like geniuses have always done and brought love with them. Universal love. The greatest power from which everything arises, yes even: Universal Peace.
The Genius Of The 21st Century Michael Weber

The Genius Of The 21st Century @ YouTube
